Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Haylee Mazzella, 3rd anniversary in Heaven

Haylee Danyelle Mazzella
2001 - 2006

Haylee Mazzella was born in Louisiana on July 13, 2001. She loved to play and to be outside. She loved and enjoyed the simple things in life, although she was a girl she had her tomboy side, she loved to catch lizards and keep them for pets. She enjoyed helping DaDa in their garden or cutten grass, just as long as they were together she was happy. And her favorite toys of all time to play with were dinosaurs. Any type,shape, or size she loved to create,"The Land Before Time Scenes". Nevertheless, she loved to get into mommy's makeup box and together they would dress her up and laugh at how much fun it was just to their be together.

Sadly Haylee passed away on June 03, 2006 at the tender age of 4 due to a tragic and needless drowning.


For this special day, Haylee's 3rd anniversary me and my friend opened a new account just for true Baby Girl to celebrate her life:
Me and group of others are also today wearing pink, ponytail, bracelets... for Haylee and in her birthday we are posting video about it to YouTube.
Never forget this beautiful special Girl, keep her in your memories.

RIP Haylee, forever in our hearts

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