Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another child died in hot car...

1 year old girl died when her father forget her to his car and went to his work in Lyngby, Denmark. The child was found dead from her fathers car in his jobs parkinglot. She died to heatstroke.

The thing I got angry about was something I read from finnish paper Iltalehti with that. Finnish doctor think that this child can not be healty because she died that fast to the heat, that healty poeple can die to heatstroke about in 1-2 hours and its rare to child die that way. He also say that heat like that can only make healty childs condition go to wore.
That is something that is not true, the heat inside a car that is parked can kill young child very fast. That just is something that finnish poeple finnish poeple dont understand because like they say we havent had single case like parents forgotr children to hot cars, normally its not even that hot in Finland and when it is we dont understand it. Tho I dont believe at all that we havent ha single case where a child have dies to hot car.

Please never ever leave children and pets alone to the car in summer and young children should never ever be leaved alone to the car! Within 5 minutes the heat inside a car can make young child too lethargic to act.

This is why we need Avas Rule, and why poeple should be aware of it.
And what can we do about that parents FORGET their children to cars, forget to take them to day care and just go to work? Huh, I can never understand. Anything how we could stop it happening? Of course mistakes happends to everyone, we are just humans but this is way too big mistake to happend.

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