Saturday, September 19, 2009

The story of Anonymous Baby Girl

Vila i frid Okänt Flickebarn, lilla ängel.

December 21, 2002 in Sweden two women found a body of a baby girl from underpass. That baby had been only few minutes old when she died. Baby's cause of death was abuce. Polide got her mothers DNA, but they still don't know who she is.
Jannuary 2007 polices got 3 phone calls. The women who call them said she is the mother of that baby girl. Polices believe the women told the truth as she was so emotional when she told what have happend to her newborn daughter and she knowed things only police did know. She said that she had given birth at home and when she was brestfeeding her daughter for the first time the babys father took the baby from her and that was last time she ever saw them. Police doubt that the women who told she's the mother of Anonymous Baby Girl is from Finland as she speak swedish with finnish accent.

Anonymous Baby Girl rest in Kungsängens kirk's cemetery in northwest Stockholm.

Police Sture Olovsson hopes that Baby's mother ot someone who might know something calls to this number:

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