Thursday, August 20, 2009

Save Liam

On March 05, 2007 5 year-old Liam Gabriele McCarty, a United States citizen, was kidnapped from his home in Manhattan and taken to Rome, Italy where he has been languishing in an Italian orphanage.
This appalling abduction was aided and facilitated by the Italian consulate in direct violation of explicit court orders that Liam not be removed from the United States. The kidnapper whom the consulate assisted is Manuela Antonelli, a psychologically disturbed international fugitive currently sought by Interpol, and on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. She is also Liam’s mother.
For over two years Liam’s father and sole legal and physical guardian, Michael McCarty, has been embroiled in an emotionally and financially devastating international battle to try and protect his son, and to see him safely returned to his proper home. In the course of this grueling battle the Italian judicial system has blatantly refused to acknowledge Mr. McCarty’s legal parental rights, as well as the orders, judgments and findings of the U.S. courts. More importantly this system has ignored Liam’s fundamental right to a competent and loving parent, inexplicably choosing to leave Liam as a ward of the state; a prisoner and forgotten victim of an ineffective system.

Please help us help Liam!
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