Sunday, July 12, 2009

The story of Brandon Muir

In memory of Brandon Muir
2006 - 2008

On 15th March 2008, his mother Heather Boyd left 23 months old Brandon with her boyfriend of just a few months in their Dundee flat while she went out shopping. When she was away, Robert Cunningham assaulted the little boy so savagely that he suffered a ruptured intestine.
During the course of the day, he became increasingly unwell and was vomiting brown liquid. Detective Chief Inspector William Semple from Tayside police said the mother thought he had a 24-hour bug and was unconcerned. In the early evening Heather went out to work as a prostitute to raise some money for heroin. After that she and Cunningham took Brandon to a party round the corner. He was clearly very unwell by this point and was propped up beside the toilet while they took drugs in the other room. At around two in the morning they finally called 999 after he became unconscious, but it was far too late by this point to help little Brandon. He was pronounced dead in hospital having suffered fatal acute peritonitis. Doctors say he must have been in great pain and yet, for more than 24 hours, no one bothered to get medical help and he did suffer more than 36 injuries.

Robert Cunningham was sentenced t0 10 years in jail for killing Brandon. Heather Boyed was cleared.

John, Brandon's father said "Brandon was amazing, always smiling, always playful. He was great." and a friend of the family said "Brandon always gave you cuddles. He was affectionate."

May you rest in peace little Brandon. Sadly Child protection services failed again..

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